Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ocean Blue Essay

The ocean is a beautiful part of our planet. But have you ever wondered why it is blue? Well, I am here to shed some light on this mystery. The ocean is blue do to light is made up of many colors. The color blue goes in the water the deepest. Also it refelcts the sky.

Since light is made up of many colors it causes this to appear to be colorfull. In the ocean water blue travels to deppest. While red is absorbed much quicker. causing the water to be blue. Water can also be green,yellow and brown. depending on plant life and weather.

Ocean water may aslo be blue do to a reflection of the sky. But for that to happen the surface of the water must be extremly smooth. So you will just be better off saying water is blue do to light. Though now it brings up the question "why is the sky blue?" We will just save that for another day.

SInce there is plant life in the ocean the sea may also look green. If there is enough plants in the ocean it may also look a green tint. though most plant life lives a little too deep fo it to show on the surface of the water.

Well today we covered one of our biggest childhood questions why is the sea blue. Well we learned that that its color is caused by light, and by refelctions of the sky. Also we learned that is can be different colors too.


hey its me lets party. NOT

Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh what a tangeled web

Oh web a tangeled web love is.
At first it is sweet as the finest wine.
Then is is rotten like a decaing swine.
Can we stop this from happening.
No for then love would have no meaning.

Red Ribbon Week

FOr decorations i think just a bunch of red ribbons everywhere. Also some posters of what drugs do to your bodies.

Ocean Blue

Why is the ocean blue???

Wavelengths of light pass through matter differently depending on the material’s composition. Blue wavelengths are transmitted to greater depths of the ocean, while red wavelengths are absorbed quickly. Water molecules scatter blue wavelengths by absorbing the light waves, and then rapidly reemitting the light waves in different directions. That is why there are mostly blue wavelengths that are reflected back to our eyes.
Sometimes oceans look green. This may be because there is an abundance of plant life or sediment from rivers that flow into the ocean. The blue light is absorbed more and the yellow pigments from plants mix with the blue light waves to produce the color green.
Sometimes parts of the oceans will look milky brown after a storm passes. This is because winds and currents associated with the storm churn up sand and sediment from the rivers that lead into the oceans.
The ocean may also reflect the blue sky. However this is prominent only at relatively low angles and when the water is smooth.