My corner of the world is my music room. With out it no one would ever know who the real me is. For this I have two main reasons. I can PLAY how I feel, and they see and hear and what I think.
First, is I can play how I feel. In the outside world though I don't care what people think I still have a persona I have to keep. In my room though it is sound proof so I do not disturb outsiders and They can't judge how I feel. In the outside world They judge your problem solving skills on your emotions. In my room through on the piano the listeners can hear me laugh,hear me cry. They can hear what I feel.
Second, They see what I think and what I feel. I am the only one with a key to the music room in my home so no one but me and those who are with me can enter. I find this a very effective method. With no windows either I can hang up pictures of all that I feel. Each wall has a different emotion on it. One for joy,one for sorrow,one for anger, and one for love. when I play a song the audience actually looks toward a wall they think the song points to. With out saying anything on the piano I can say everything.
My music room is my corner of the world. It says everything in a few minutes of a song that in words could take hours. with out it no one would know me. Not even I would know me. I am very thankfull for It and so are those who here the music in the walls.
Nice post, Kyle. Go back over it and make sure your punctuation and spelling is correct. I can help you Tuesday morning if you need me.